Why it’s time to regulate social media platforms now?
It’s been fashionable to criticize governments, but the fact is that today’s social media platforms wield much power and shoulder little responsibility.
Read MoreIt’s been fashionable to criticize governments, but the fact is that today’s social media platforms wield much power and shoulder little responsibility.
Read MoreWhatsApp has chosen the ‘privacy’ pretext in filing a lawsuit against new govt rules but forgets that it has forced a new privacy policy that was bitterly opposed by millions of its users.
Read MoreBetter World द्वारा किए गए एक सर्वे में, 82% लोगों ने WhatsApp की नई प्राइवेसी पॉलिसी को लेकर अपनी नाराजगी व्यक्त की है ।
Read MoreBetter World User Survey on WhatsApp’s new privacy policy finds that 72% are open to switching to another viable messaging platform.
Read MoreAfter being under fire for Zoombombing mishaps, the videoconferencing app maker has given account owners tools to keep intruders at bay.
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