The Better World Vision is very simple. We strive to build a cohesive community of business, technology, and social leaders, who firmly believe in sustainable and value-driven market models.
The mission is to help the Better World community take
the right business, social, and environmental decisions by
making use of the right technologies and productivity models.
We envisage that these decisions will have
a positive impact not just on the businesses
but also on the people and the
planet that the businesses
interact with. Also, we believe that in today’s
digital era, technologies will be playing
a pivotal role in creating and broadbasing
that impact.
Innovations, driven by digital technologies,
will significantly accelerate the pace of a transformation.
It goes without saying that this mission
and vision can only be pursued
through values of mutual respect,
lawful and ethical conducts,
and sustainability-oriented actions.
Our Approach
We take a community-driven approach, and strive to identify and pursue
the best ideas, values, and models espoused by our visionary
Better World members.
On the highest level, the guiding themes and principles are set by an Advisory Board
comprising thought leaders from the industry, academia, and technology fields.
At the next level are area-specific Steering Committees that translate the broad themes into
agendas and topics for various discussions, research, events, and talks shows.
The directions outlined by the Advisory Board and the agendas set by the Steering Committees
are pursued by the Steering Group, which is formed of a competent mix of consulting, research,
and media professionals.
Join the community to exchange ideas and best practices at LinkedIn Group (Better-World).
While individually too, the leader makes the difference, with the support of like-minded community peers, they stand to achieve a multiplier effect. Together, let us lead the transformation to a better world.